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Masnoon Du'ain (supplications)

 What is Supplication Dua?

Literally the word Supplication (Dua) means “to call upon.”
In Islam Dua or supplication means to address Allah (SWT) with praise, 
thanksgiving, hope, and to mention one’s needs.
Dua is an important part of our faith and belief. It is a higher form of worship that Allah loves. It is a means of keeping in touch with the Creator, and draws the supplicant closer to the Almighty. It causes increase in bounties and helps remove pain and suffering. 
There are many ways that people make Dua.
Dua in one’s own words, depending upon need or situation.
It may be based upon verses of Qur’an. Quran has many Duas.
It may be very spontaneous or may be well thought over (Duas make my prophets).
In Islam Dua has a very special place. 
Allah (SWT) has commanded in Quran that we make Dua to Him.

         Benefits Of Making Dua.

   * It increases the faith of the supplicant on Allah (SWT).
    * It gives hope and the strength to the distressed soul, and    saves from despair.
    * It brings the supplicant closer to the Creator, strengthening the bond between them.
    * It increases humility, which in turn increases piety.
    * It curbs ego and vanity


Translation in English

O Allah! We beg help from You alone; ask forgiveness from You alone, and turn towards You and praise You for all the good things and are grateful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we part and break off with all those who are disobedient to you. O Allah! You alone do we worship and pray exclusively to You and bow before You alone and we hasten eagerly towards You and we fear Your severe punishment and hope for Your Mercy as your severe punishment is surely to be meted out to the unbelievers. 

Translation in Urdu 


Dua to be recited when two Muslims meet

Dua to be recited when two Muslims shake hands

Dua to be recited when saying thanks to the helper

Dua to be recited when seeing any Muslim smiling

Dua to be recited after sneeze

Dua to be recited when any Muslim hears Alhamdulil'lah when any Muslim sneezes. 

Dua to be recited while sleeping

Dua to be recited when awakening from sleep 

Dua to be recited before eating food

Dua to be recited after eating Food

Dua to be recited when Drinking Milk

Dua to be recited upon drinking Abe Zam Zam

Dua to be recited when forgot to say Bismillah before eating

Dua to be recited when eating food in function or another's home


Dua to be recited when entering Toilet

Dua to be recited when comming out of Toilet

Dua to be recited when entering in the House

Dua to be recited when going out of the House

Dua to be recited when wearing a new Dress

Dua to be recited when wearing a Dress

Dua to be recited when removing Dress

Dua to be recited for Increase in Knowledge

Dua to be recited when starting a new Business or 

Dua to be recited when starting travel 

Dua to be recited towards companion from the traveler when he leaves him

Dua to be recited when Visiting Ill (sick)

Dua to be recited to ask for Child 

Dua to be recited to make paying of Debt easy

Dua to be recited when anger rises

Dua to be recited when anyone is in need of help

Dua to be recited when entering  city

Dua to be recited upon receiving gift  

Dua to be recited on seeing Moon

Dua to be recited on seeing new Moon

Dua to be recited to ask for Rain

Dua to be recited when it's raining

Dua to be recited when seeing face in Mirror

Dua to be recited when entering in Market

Dua to be recited before starting Wudu (Ablution)

Dua to be recited in between Wudu (Ablution)

Dua to be recited when entering Masjid

 Dua to be recited when comming out of Masjid

Dua to be recited when climbing top

Dua to be recited when comming down from top

Dua to be recited when entering into the Grave yard

Dua to be recited when keeping the dead body into the Grave

Dua to be recited upon putting mud on the Grave

Dua to be recited on Shab-e-Qadr

Dua to be recited after comfortably sitting on Vehicle.

Dua to be recited upon seeing Stars

Dua to be recited upon seeing sign of Kufr (unbelieving) (example: Temple , Church etc)

Dua to be recited when caught by Evil eyes (Nazr-e-Bad)

Dua to be recited when Animal is caught by Evil eyes (Nazr-e-Bad)

Dua to be recited to be safe from Scorpion or any Dangerous creature

Dua to be recited upon shaving your head

Dua to be recited to ask for Repentance from true heart when one has committed Sin